Il nostro staff, la nostra famiglia

La Speakeasy School vanta uno staff giovane ed energico, capace di comprendere e soddisfare le esigenze di ogni singolo studente.  I nostri Teachers Madrelingua certificati, grazie alle loro esperienze nelle più grandi scuole di inglese in Italia e all’estero, renderanno indimenticabile il vostro percorso di apprendimento, sia online che in presenza, dando vita a lezioni e attività stimolanti e divertenti, soprattutto per i più piccini.

Il nostro staff italiano, inoltre, vi seguirà passo passo, dal processo di iscrizione alla registrazione per gli esami di fine livello, controllando i progressi di ogni singolo studente e consigliando il percorso migliore per raggiungere i risultati desiderati.



Name: Sandra
Role: Head Teacher
Hobbies: Travelling
I love: Freedom of Speech / Equality
I hate: Small minded people / Tunnel vision / Plagiarism
Favorite animal: Impossible to choose! Beautiful creatures all around?

Name: Roby
Role: Teacher
Hobbies: Reading, dancing and singing (badly) while listening to music
I love: Justice and good things happening to good people
I hate: Mistreatment of any person and animal
Favourite animal: Ladybird

Name: Evelyn
Role: Teacher
Hobbies: Reading and listening to music
I love: Cooking and strategic cooking
I hate: Horror movie
Favourite animal: none

Name: Francisco
Role: Jack of all trades
Hobbies: Listening to music
I love: Freedom
I hate: Pollution
Favorite animal: Seahorse

Role: Teacher
Hobbies: Gaming, reading, watching movies and Tv Series
I love: Videogames, going to the cinema, football
I hate: Waking up early
Favourite animal: Sloth

Name: Serena
Hobbies: knitting, playing chess
I love: make up, yummy food
I hate: mosquitoes
Favourite animal: polar bear

Name: Joanne
Role: Teacher
Hobbies: Gaming,singing,watching films and series
I love: Dancing,travelling,equality
I hate: Narrow-minded people and violence
Favourite animal: Dog, Lion, Maine Coon & cats

Name: Jay
Hobbies: Drawing, Traveling, Photography
I love: Art, Videogames, Reading
I hate: Pizza with Pineapple
Favorite animal: Cat

Name: Primo
Role: English & Spanish Teacher
Hobbies: Movies & sports
I love: Travelling
I hate: Eggplants
Favourite animal: Dog



Name: Alessandro
Role: Administrator
Hobbies: Football, Kick boxing, playing with my dogs
I loveMusk and chocolate
I hate Running
Favorite animal: Fox

Name: Federica
Role: Public school and Project, Organizer
Hobbies: Art and Crafting
I love: Freedom of Speech
I hate: Injustice
Favorite animal: Dog

Name: Rosa
Role: Receptionist
Hobby: Going to the Gym
I love:  Dancing
I hate:  Waking up early
Favorite animal: Dolphin

Name: Elena
Role: School Director
Hobbies: Spending Money, Burraco
I love:  Skincare, Milk soups
I hate:  Ambiguity and lies
Favorite animal: Stitch

Name: Valeria
Role: Receptionist
Hobbies: Dance
I love:  Chocolate
I hate:  Bad people
Favorite animal: Dog

Name: Paolo
Role: Driver
Hobbies: Football, music, gaming
I love: Leftover pasta
I hate: Judgemental people
Favorite animal: Monkeys